

Cosmetic, Medical, & Surgical Dermatology located in the Heights, Houston, TX

Acne services offered in the Heights, Houston, TX

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting teens and adults alike. At ALLUSTRA DERMATOLOGY in the Heights, Houston, Texas, Brundha Balaraman, MD, provides acne treatment for patients with inflamed bumps, cysts, scarring, or redness. Call today or use this website to schedule your appointment online to get your acne under control. 

Acne Q&A

What causes acne?

Your oil glands naturally produce oil to make your skin feel supple and soft. When your body overproduces this oil, it can get trapped in your pores and oil ducts. The trapped oil combines with dead skin and bacteria, resulting in pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads of acne. 

Serious acne can result in deep, inflamed lesions known as cysts.

What are the signs of acne?

Most people develop a pimple or two on occasion. With acne, you develop a breakout of one or more of the following: 

  • Whiteheadstiny flesh-colored or white bumps
  • Blackheadsdark, open bumps on the skin that are a mix of oil and cells
  • Pimplessmall skin bumps that sometimes contain pus
  • Nodules or cysts – closed sacs beneath the skin that contain fluid or semisolid substances

Acne usually shows up in areas where your skin has lots of oil glands, like your forehead, shoulders, chest, and back. 

Acne may also appear as folliculitis, a common skin condition in which your hair follicles become inflamed. You develop small bumps or whiteheads around hair follicles. 

Who develops acne?

Acne is often associated with teens, young adults, and older adults – particularly women in their 30s and 40s. Women are more vulnerable to acne due to hormone fluctuations. At Allustra Dermatology, the doctor helps people of any age or gender manage their acne and achieve clear skin. 

Why should I seek treatment for acne?

Acne can cause poor self-esteem and cause scarring if not managed. Treatment offered at Allustra Dermatology prevents excessive scarring and pockmarks. Dr. Balaraman helps you minimize outbreaks, too. 

And, if you should experience acne scarring, you may benefit from laser therapy and microneedling that can smooth skin and fade the scars.

How do you treat acne?

Dr. Balaraman offers prescription medications that help control acne. These may be topical or oral and include:

  • Antibiotics to control bacteria and inflammation
  • Isotretinoin, a prescription ingredient for severe acne under the name brands Accutane® and Claravis®
  • Hormonal control
  • RetinA or tretinoin to unclog pores
  • Benzoyl peroxide or sulfur-based topicals

Intralesional corticosteroid injections help when you have large lesions or cysts. These injections cause the pustules to shrink and even disappear entirely. Laser treatments, microdermabrasion, microneedling can help smooth skin texture, unclog pores, and fade scarring. 

Achieve clear skin at any age. Call Allustra Dermatology to learn more about the acne treatments offered or set up an appointment online using this website.